Wednesday 14 March 2018

I have been silent on here lately, there has been a lot going on and it's been emotional and rather challenging - things that I don't really want to blog about. I am so very tired (mostly mentally), but I think we are on the other side of it all and I'm looking forward to a bit of quiet time as a family and also some time for myself. Things that I have been missing lately.

We had Elroy's third birthday over the weekend, and planning that has been the highlight of the last month, so naturally I went a little over the top (a post and some photo's to come). I really am a sucker for party supplies, it's all the colours that I love. 

There are things to look forward too, a quick trip to Melbourne next week, an easter break with no plans whatsoever (but maybe a few jobs around the house), and we might sneak in another long weekend away somewhere soon - preferably somewhere near a beach! I think that is definitely something having a child has taught me, things never stay the same, hard times get easier and the world shifts again.

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